The Pro Bono Institute interviews Jessica Hilburn-Holmes

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Following their spotlight on the Equal Justice Center last month, the D.C. based nonprofit discussed the project with the Philadelphia Bar Foundation’s Executive Director, Jessica Hilburn-Holmes, in the June/July edition of their newsletter, the Pro Bono Wire.  

The interview touched on various aspects of the EJC, including why Philadelphia’s long history of being a city of innovation made it the perfect location for the first “one-stop-shop legal aid model,” and how the EJC will benefit the larger Philadelphia legal community by providing a space for collaboration between legal aid organizations and those interested in pro bono volunteer opportunities.  

“The legal aid organizations moving into the EJC currently offer many pro bono volunteer opportunities for the legal community. Co-locating legal aid organizations into one building will allow the agencies to deliver more client-centered services, distribute more resources toward providing those services, and will create cooperative interactions and other efficiencies among the participating organizations.” says Jessica.  

Read more on the Pro Bono Wire